Fifteen divers made the trip over on Saturday morning with two ribs and three compressors and a whole load of […]
Dashing out of Dublin for the ferry crossing, some divers headed for Roonagh and others took the RIB’s across from […]
Giant Congers, small sharks and a side order of Dolphin. The journey to the trainee weekend in Killary began in […]
A big thank you to all that made it last night to the Pool Gala and Pizza event! it was […]
January… Belated New Year’s wishes! Well we’ve hit the ground running in January with snorkeling starting the first day of […]
This year the Curragh Sub Aqua Club celebrates its 60th anniversary. To mark the occasion we celebrated in style with […]
The gods were smiling upon us again this year, the sun shone and there was barely a breeze over the […]
June Bank Holiday in Quilty, Co. Clare What in my opinion can only be described as the best club weekend […]
Dive debrief from this evening: 9 divers headed out to the sunny Muglins this evening, we were joined by a […]
A small crew of some 11 divers attended plus various other non diving friends and relations. We were delighted to […]