upcoming events

We organise dive weekends away and social events all year.


We operate as a club. Join today, and come dive with us!

photo gallery

Check out our gallery for photos and videos from the club.

club vs pay-per-dive

Discover what a club can do for you compared to pay-per-dive.

From our blog

The weather gods were smiling on us as we left Dublin on the last day of May to head South […]
On the May bank holiday weekend twenty-two divers and three boats descended upon the smallfishing village of Portmagee for the […]
Thursday – Mooring the boats Eighteen divers and a dry-cox headed to Killary for the Easter weekend away. The sun […]
Bofin Dive Report June 23rd – June 30th, 2023 The CSAC Bofin 2023 advanced party of 17 travelled over to […]
Malin Beg Dive Report June 2nd – June 5th Thursday – Mooring the boats Eighteen divers headed to Malin Beg […]
Belmullet Dive Report April 28th – May 1st Trip preparations None of these trips happen without a lot of preparation […]

Founded in 1958, we’re one of the oldest clubs in Dublin. 

Located on the water’s edge in Sandycove, we’re one of the oldest and largest clubs in Dublin and always looking for new members. Both beginner and experienced divers are welcome to join us.

​We are active all year round between diving, snorkelling and pool training.

Pool Training

Before we head out to the open water, we train in the pool each Sunday evening from January until Easter.


On the water’s edge in Sandycove, in a restored Victorian baths, you’ll find our clubrooms. Complete with hot showers, rinsing area for your gear, compressors (including Nitrox), lecture space and a kitchen.

Our Boats

The Club maintains two 6.5m RIBs, Lir & Danu. We take them out in Dublin Bay three times a week over the season, as well as cross country for bank holiday weekend adventures.

Get in touch!

Get in touch!