Friday evening and arrival

The weather gods were smiling on us as we left Dublin on the last day of May to head South West to Ventry, our June 2024 BH weekend destination. Towers Steve and Dave arrived in good time to moor the boats and secure a prime outside table at Quinns, our adopted local/command & control centre for the weekend. It was just a 3 minute walk down from the main house and maybe 6 minutes home (uphill!) . We gave it plenty of business over the weekend, though we were far from the only customers. The pier and our compressor site was just a further 4 mins walk downhill from the pub, so all in all a very convenient, compact location so we could all put away our google maps. The compressor towers and other late arrivals joined as Friday evening wore on and the plans for the weekend were shared. With Chantal and Johan doing DOD for one day each under Dave’s supervision, there were lots of chats to be had.

Day 1 – The Three Brothers wreck and Inishtooskert

Saturday saw Chantal organise a brief for 9am but departure was delayed due to a last minute prop replacement. We also lost Steve (no replacement) due to car trouble as he went on a quest to find a new crank shaft pulley. All he missed was a stunning day out – with two super dives and lunch on the Great Blasket Island. We put on the suncream and shades and headed out to the first site escorted by dolphins. With the GPS programmed, Johan dropped the shot right on the Three Brothers wreck and we all had plenty of time to enjoy the morning dive. The plan had always been to lunch on the island and with limited mooring options we made the most of offers from other boats to get us to shore and back to the ribs afterwards. The highlight for many was the ginormous seal colony sunning itself on the beach. After lunch we headed for Inishtooskert and looked at a couple of dive site options before returning to our first choice. There were lots to see here, including many Crayfish and Dogfish all going about their business oblivious to the stunning scenery above water. Once everyone was back and the first bags of jellies were opened, we headed back to the pier with 14 happy divers and some 26 bottles to be filled – thanks Jean K for bringing your rebreather. Every little helps!>> After the obligatory woolly bear pint and debrief, Michelle and Chantal combined to serve a lovely dinner to the 13 of us who were staying in the houses. We somehow manage to squeeze everyone into the kitchen for one sitting with chairs and stools gathered from all over the place. Another successful joint effort.

Day 2 – Thunder Rock and Catherdal Rock

The Sunday brief with Johan was an earlier start, we got out ahead of the daily Blasket ferry this time, but not ahead of the 8 strong swimmers who politely requested we not run them over. The Coxes ably managed this and again planning a full day out on the boats, we packed lunches and Steve and all 15 divers enjoyed two fantastic dives first off Thunder Rock and then in the afternoon the spectacular Cathedral. This site had photo opportunities both above and below water. We made time for lunch on Inishvickillaun, watching puffins and shearwaters coming back to feed their young. It was like being on a private island – some of us thought it would be a great idea to do that more often (!). All too soon it was time to head back to land, back to refuel the boats, refill the bottles (fewer than Day1) refuel ourselves. Once the debrief had happened, many of us were treated to Ross’s Paella followed by no fewer than four homemade apple pies and then a cheese course . I wasn’t surprised some of the group didn’t make the Monday dive – fitting into the suit was a challenge after all the feasting.

Day 3 – Crow Rock and Slea Head

8 divers had put their hands up for a Monday morning dive and with a gentle brief at 9.30 we headed out to Crow Rock off Dingle bay, a gently slope to 30m with lots of life. We came back for lunch and to say goodbye to some folk. Steve also took the decision to head for Dublin still in search of car parts, but as Dave had negotiated the option of keeping the house for an extra night a few were able to stay on for an afternoon dive. 5 divers made it to Slea Head and were treated to lots of life including shoals of little fish and beautiful walls around some gullies. We got back in good time to recover Lir which Jimmy kindly agreed to tow home and then Danu which came back with Dave. The compressors had already been tucked away the night before and headed to Dublin at lunchtime with Marty. All that remained of Monday was for the rest of us to finish the Paella and Apple Tart before a last few drinks in the local, and then an early-ish night to be up and away Tuesday morning. Another great Curragh weekend and thanks again for all who made it happen, particularly DOs Dave, Chantal and Johan.